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In this section we answer some frequently asked questions. It will be expanded over time, so keep an eye on it.
Should I leave "Hunter" slots open, or should I fill them all? In Jurassic Land, you need a minimum of 4 Hunters in the 6 available slots. Having 4 or 6 doesn’t change the success rate for dinosaur capture and is purely a personal choice based on your strategy. Leaving two slots open allows for a form of "compounding" or the option to buy additional Hunters once the game is underway. Filling all 6 slots from the start maximizes production based on the collection obtained, while still allowing contracts to be reactivated after they end. It’s a subjective choice.
Remember that once hunters are chosen, they’re permanent, so it’s important to decide in advance how many you want and which ones to pick based on your budget, as they can’t be changed later.
Can I have multiple game accounts? Yes, there’s no limit to the number of accounts you can have in Jurassic Land. However, it’s usually better to maximize one account rather than having several partially developed ones. It’s also important to open accounts responsibly, carefully considering your budget.
Will it still be worth joining the game even after it has been launched for a long time? Before joining Jurassic Land, as with all P2E/C2E games, it's important to check the liquidity pool's status and its trends. Jurassic Land is a long-term game designed to be as sustainable as possible with a circular economy. Additionally, the progressive increase in the game's collection and features will help maintain a balanced experience between veteran and new players. This means that even after 6 months or more, joining the project will likely still be advantageous.
Will you implement protections for players as you did in the past? The team has always been attentive to players' needs, despite the inherent link between this type of project and the liquidity status. Solutions adopted in previous projects, like a form of insurance or deposit freezes during the game's final stages, have certainly protected a large portion of users, though they did alter the gameplay experience for others. Jurassic Land is a long-term project, so its progress and duration are not easily predictable. For this reason, we intend to let liquidity flow freely and naturally, making only the necessary adjustments to extend the game’s lifespan and enhance players' experiences. We remind players of the importance of monitoring the game’s health and recognize that joining is a personal responsibility. As always, we will do everything possible to ensure maximum player satisfaction.
What can I do if I lose or my access to my Metamask/TrustWallet has been compromised? The team is not responsible if you cannot access your game account due to lost or compromised wallet access. Each game account is fully linked to the wallet used for login, and it is not possible to transfer NFTs or collections. To avoid this unpleasant situation we recommend following these precautionary tips:
For Jurassic Land, use a “clean” wallet—one that is new, hasn’t been used previously, and won’t be used for other purposes. It’s extremely simple; you can create a new wallet in your Dapp with just one click.
NEVER SHARE personal information (especially your seed phrase) with anyone, either outside the game or within our community. Every community has malicious users who may clone moderator profiles or impersonate others, so don’t be fooled if you’re contacted. If a moderator or team member reaches out, VERIFY through the group’s member list to ensure the profile is authentic.
Remember that your wallet address is not confidential; it can be shared without concern if needed for events or troubleshooting.
I found a game very similar to Jurassic Land. Is it yours, or is it legitimate? As with every successful project we've launched, there will be those who try to clone/copy our game, and these are always scams. Only our team offers the ideal balance of quality and security, so if you come across these projects, we recommend avoiding them and letting us know. Remember, if you see a short ROI or other enticing conditions, these are almost always scams or projects lacking sustainability. It’s always best to be patient and trust well-known, experienced teams. The following error appeared during the login attempt, what should I do? This is an error that means "session expired." Simply refresh the page, and the login will work again.